Microsoft Account is the combination of an email address and a password that are used to logon to a number of different services by Microsoft and partner websites, like Windows 8 computer, the Windows Store, Windows Phone devices, Xbox video game systems, (formerly, Skype, Office 364, Skydrive and more.
If you lost this Microsoft account password, you can reset it, or you just need to change it on a regular basis, keep on read for detailed steps. However, please keep in mind that if you reset your Microsoft account password, all the sites and services you use your Microsoft account for will be changed as well.
If you forgot your Microsoft account password, follow the steps below.
Once you received the code, enter it in the "Enter you code" field and then press "Submit".
If you just need to change your password, for security concern, refer the easy instructions as follows.
Important: If you're using a Microsoft account to log into Windows 8, this procedure works for you to reset Windows 8 password.
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