June 06, 2013 01:23 pm / Posted by Michael Eric to News
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How satisfied are customers with Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system? According to a new survey from the University of Michigan, people are not as satisfied as with Windows 7, which was a big hit for Microsoft, turning things around from the troublesome Windows Vista and reminding people that the Redmond giant was not quite ready to hang up its hat just yet.
This unsatisfaction and unhappiness can be caused by several issues, such as Windows 8's lack of a Start button and other incidental problems. We can have a comparison between the disadvantages of Windows 8 and the benefits of Windows 7. Thus users may have a clear definition of this unsatisfaction and unhappiness.
The 2013 survey, called the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), was conducted by Michigan's Ross School of Business and released Tuesday. It found Windows 8 scored 74, down a point from last year's survey and down four points from the company's record high in 2011 for Windows 7 score had been a bump up, following the flop known as Vista.
Meanwhile, Windows 8 did not give Microsoft a significant bump as the release of Windows 7 did. The Windows 7 OS provides many new tools and features that focus on improved productivity through improved usability. Users that upgrade to Windows 7 will benefit from increased productivity while enjoying from the following resources:
Nevertheless, Windows 8 has come under criticism from many quarters since its launch, yet consumers are still buying it, for better or for worse. At six months, the similar number of licenses were sold for Windows 7 and Windows 8, according to Microsoft's own sales figures.
On the other side, Redmond is planning to offer a preview of a Windows 8.1 update toward the end of June, which many industry-watchers are hoping will help to rectify some of Windows 8's more obvious deficiencies. What's more, Microsoft could even include an option to skip the Start Screen and thus let users boot directly to desktop instead of getting the Start Screen every time they turn on their computer.
Thus many of the Windows 8's problems can be settled. Users can enjoy the convenient and efficient taste of computing. As users, they also need to avoid the most common problem---resetting Windows 8 password. If you come across this problem, users can take a use of third party software Windows Password Recovery. We can believe that there is a large potential space for Windows 8.
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