December 27, 2017 11:13 am / Posted by Michael Eric to Office Tips
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What is the most popular Office application on earth? Ask this question to any computer users, and their answer most likely will be Microsoft Office. But if you ask which Microsoft Office is the most popular, the answer won’t be that straightforward. There are one too many version of Office released by Microsoft during the years of Office existence. Even within one version of Office, there are usually up to around eight variations of it.
Office 2013 is one of those many. But different from its predecessor, this 2013 release already has many viable competitors, which is as good as, or some might say they are better than, Microsoft Office. And another plus points for these competitors, they come with the price tags of free.
The dilemma is, people still want to use Office because everybody else is also using it, but they don’t want to pay the hefty price that comes with Office. Many people are looking for free Office 2013 product key.
During the time of Office 2013 release, Microsoft was using the licensing model where customers pay for the license once and get the right to use it forever. This type of pricing seems to be great at first if that version of the software is going to work forever.
But when the users realize that they have to continuously buy the next versions’ “lifetime” licenses to be able to get the latest and greatest feature and to keep the software compatible with the ever growing operating system and computer hardware, even the loyalists will start to feel burdened.
Can you not upgrade? Sure. But you’ll stick with what finally be “legacy software” that everybody abandons.
Then Microsoft is slowly shifting to a different approach to pricing by using subscription model with their Office 365 subscription service. Users are required to pay small monthly or yearly fee, and they will always get the latest and greatest features as long as they continue subscribing. Office 2013 is included in the bundle.
And looking from the customer’s perspective, Office 365 pricing scenario is more affordable and humane.
If you want to go the illegal way, you could easily find free Office 2013 product key and the installer by doing a simple search. But if you want to go the legal way and still can get the product key for free, you could try the free trial of Office 365. This key is valid for one month, and after that, you need to pay to continue using it. You could visit this link to sign up for the trial.
You’ll get the key as soon as the registration process is complete. Use the product for free for 30 days, but don't forget to cancel before the 30-day period is over if you don’t want Microsoft to start charging you $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.
When you do decide to continue with your subscription for Office365, please keep your product key safe. You don’t want to lose access to something that you’ve paid with your hard earned money, do you?
But what can you do if you’ve already lost it? Then you could a professional Product Key Recovery software to recover the lost product key for you. It is a fantastic Windows and Office product key finder utility that can find product keys for many software programs like Microsoft Windows, Office, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Internet Explorer, etc.
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