Once you choose IE as your favored browser, there are many things that Internet users want to keep private, ranging from what sites they visit to what information they enter into online forms. In most case, security drives the need. For Internet Explorer browsing history, it includes info you've entered into forms, passwords, and sites you've visited. You must wonder how to delete Internet Explorer browsing history to keep private.
Here will introduce 4 different options to clear Internet Explorer browsing history in Windows 8.1 and 8 for you. Choose the one you prefer to achieve your goal.
How to Delete Internet Explorer Browsing History in Windows 8.1 and 8?
Option 1: To Delete Browsing History of Internet Explorer on Exit
You can use this option to automatically delete your browsing history when you close the modern and desktop Internet Explorer.
1. Open Internet Options, click/tap on the General tab, and do step 2 or 3 below.
2. To Turn Off Delete Browsing History on Exit.
This is the default setting.
a. Under Browsing history, uncheck the Delete browsing history on exit box, and click/tap on OK.
3. To Turn On Delete Browsing History on Exit.
a. Under Browsing history, check the Delete browsing history on exit box, and click/tap on OK.
b. Under Browsing history, and check the Delete button.
c. Check or uncheck the items you want to set to be deleted or not deleted on exit, and click/tap on Delete.
Note that this will also delete the checked items now.
d. Click/tap on OK.
Option 2: To Delete Browsing History from Desktop Internet Explorer
1. While on your desktop, open Internet Explorer.
2. Open Internet Options from within Internet Explorer.
3. Under Browsing history in the General tab, click/tap on the Delete button.
4. Check or uncheck the items you want to be deleted or not deleted, and click/tap on Delete.
5. When IE browsing history has finished being deleted, you will get the yellow bar pop-up at the bottom of IE to let you know. You can click/tap on the X icon to close it.
6. Click/tap on OK.
Option 3: To Delete Browsing History from Modern Internet Explorer
1. While on your Start screen, click/tap on the modern Internet Explorer tile to open it.
2. Open Internet Options from within modern Internet Explorer.
3. Do step 4 or 5 below for the modern IE10 or modern IE11.
4. To Delete Browsing History in Modern IE10.
a. Under Delete Browsing History, click/tap on the Delete button, and go to step 6 below.
5. To Delete Browsing History in Modern IE11.
a. Under History, click/tap on the Select button.
b. Check or uncheck the items you want to be deleted or not deleted, click/tap on Delete, and go to step 6 below.
6. Your browsing history will now be deleted.
7. When finished, you can click/tap on an empty area within modern IE to close the right pane.
Option 4: To Delete Internet Explorer Browsing History from Command Prompt
1. Open a command prompt.
2. In the command prompt, copy and paste the command prompt below for the type of data you want to delete, and press Enter.
a. To delete temporary Internet files, put in the following line.
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8
b. To delete history, put in the following line.
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1
c. To delete all browsing history, type in the line as below. Note that this deletes all of the above items.
3. When finished, you can close the command prompt if you like.
Either one option you choose, you can delete browsing history of Internet Explorer in Windows 8.1 and 8 with great ease. In addition, if you want to improve your IE's security, you can click here to know the 6 tips you should know to make your Internet Explorer more secure.
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